Auto Publishers

Car Breakdown Safety Tips

June 22, 2016

Car Breakdown Safety Tips

When your vehicle breaks down on a busy highway, it is important to get the situation under control as soon as possible to minimize the risk of further injury or accidents. Vehicle breakdowns can often be deadly, but, fortunately, there are tips that drivers can follow to minimize incidents. Keep some of these in mind the next time you are out on the road, and always avoid risk when it is not necessary. If your vehicle is still operational, state law requires for you to drive it off of the freeway and into a safer place as soon as possible. Doing so is one of the best ways to avoid injuries to yourself and others. As soon as the vehicle is set somewhere safe, call 911 and explain your situation. If you are not able to move the vehicle and you break down somewhere busy, be sure to stay inside the car at all times when you call 911. Put your hazard lights on and wait for assistance. Stalled cars on freeways and vehicular accidents are highly dangerous and emergency professionals consider such calls high priority in order to avoid further injuries. Safety Tips Motorway Like any other vehicular issues, it is crucial for you to get into the habit of regularly checking your car for problems. Make sure to conduct periodic safety checks as often as possible to avoid being caught in an unwanted situation. Some of the most common sections of the vehicle that you need to regularly check include the belts, hoses, lights, fluids and windshield wipers. Always check the wheels and interior software as well, especially if you have a newer model. If you are getting ready for a road trip, be sure to contact AAA in order to arrange for a test for your car's battery, charging and starting system. This is one of the best ways to determine whether or not your car may need repairs. These tests are ideal not only to tell what kinds of problems you are having, but can also provide you with a point of reference if you are not sure how much life you have left in your components. While you are on the road, be sure to program your cellular phone with emergency numbers as well, including those of your roadside assistance provider. Keep a backup list in your glove compartment and make sure that you keep an emergency first aid kit in your car at all times as well.