Auto Publishers

Top Defensive Driving Tips

February 15, 2016

Top Defensive Driving Tips

Practicing defensive driving is one of the best ways to keep your time on the road safe and easy. It allows you ample time to prepare for any dangerous situations, and it helps protect the safety of the drivers around you. By keeping some of the following tips in mind, practicing defensive driving becomes even easier. Begin by keeping your eyes ahead of the road. You will want to look ahead as far as you can to make sure that you have ample time to prepare for a potential problem further down the line. Many drivers make the mistake of only looking a little bit ahead of them, and when that happens, they limit their field of vision, which increases the possibility of a dangerous situation. In addition to looking ahead, always try your hardest to think ahead. There is always a bigger picture going on when you drive, and keeping this picture in mind allows you to make much more informed decisions regarding your driving. Speculate on driver actions and always try to micromanage a plan for every driving situation, whether you are waiting for a light to turn green or making a turn. As a part of the planning process, try to have an escape plan in mind as often as possible. Even though you may be a skilled driver, you can never predict what the drivers around you will do. To cut down on potential emergency situations, plan ahead by knowing your escapes and seeing how you can avoid troublesome situations. Know when to move and when to brake, as this is central to defensive driving, Control your driving carefully by maintaining the correct following distance from your other drivers. Sometimes, a safe distance away from drivers is all you need to avoid a potential problem. Even your speed will not matter if you know how to maintain your distance from your fellow drivers. The right distance also allows you to have ample time to react in a dangerous situation, avoiding a potential problem. Always avoid distractions while driving as well. Do not take your phone out while driving and make sure that you do not have any visual electronic devices on around you that could take your attention away from the drive. Focus on the environment around you, and if you have some audio playing, make sure that it is quiet enough for you to hear the cues around you.