Posts by: Eddie Mejia

Governmentally Mandated Safety

Automotive safety and government usually go hand in hand, because if it were up to automakers, there would be no general standard. If it were not for governmental mandates, I guarantee that inherent automotive safety would not be where it is now. However, that is not to say that it would be entirely absent, the average would just be much lower. The problem with laissez-faire economics, is that it

Innovative Infrastructure

This is the first installment of futurology Friday, and it will start with a ride down memory road. Like the topic at hand, this too will serve as an integral base for future developments. Infrastructure is by far the most important aspect of any system, without a solid foundation on which to build on, growth is almost impossible. Thus to establish a glimpse in the future, one needs to establish

The First Lamborghini Ever Made: Not the 350 GT

Ferruccio Lamborghini was inspired by an insult to create a ferocious V12 high performance luxury car. Said insult was Enzo Ferrari’s response to Lamborghini’s critique of the 250 GT (easily one of the most coveted cars of all time). Ferruccio told Enzo that the car was too loud and too stiff to be used on normal roads, and that the clutch was subpar. Ferrari asserted that the problem

The Duality of Lamborghini: Practicality Rivalry to Bankruptcy

Ferruccio Lamborghini was an exceedingly practical man. He was born into a family of grape farmers in 1916. Due to his early onset fascination with engines, the Italian air force employed his services as mechanic. It was in the little Greek island of Rhodes, where Lamborghini became a mechanical artist. Glossing over the fact that he fought for the axis powers, he was a stupendousengineer, of the

Suing Volkswagen

Too often I find myself utterly shocked at how fickle people are. After Volkswagen was caught polluting at a horrifying rate, people grew outraged. The company immediately apologized, fired their CEO, and paid their customers a modest fee. Six months later, people are still brandishing pitchforks against the Volkswagen, and it seems that people have forgot all about the time that General Motors

Automotive Inspirations Introduction

When necessity is no longer available, economic gains and/or competition are the most effective drivers of innovation. This has resulted in eras of competitively concentrated innovation in the automotive market. Specific dates are difficult to solidify, but there generalized lapses in which the invisible hand Adam Smith spoke of, pointed out particular problems which were promptly pummeled into pa

Toyotosoft: Satirical Dissection of a Deepity

I would like to start this article off with an apology, the title is clickbait at its finest… but you would be lying if you said that Toyotosoft is not one of the great portmanteaus (it is actually a second level portmanteau) of the language (or languages to be more precise). With that out of the way, there is some truth to the statement. Toyota and Microsoft, in their continuing collaborative e

The Duality of Lamborghini: Ferruccio Before Ferrari

When one buys a Lamborghini, the car always falls under one of two different ideologies. To fully understand both, one needs to know the automaker’s history. The origin of the duality comes from the father of the company, Ferruccio Lamborghini. In regards to the aforementioned duality, the actual inception of the company, is largely irrelevant, but it is endearing enough for a mention. Born in 1

How History Will Remember Tesla

Tesla lives in the headlines, because it has a compelling story behind it. The man that established the company does not just have a vision for the future of his many companies, his vision blankets over humanity. Tesla is not even the most impressive company under his many hats, SpaceX is already the first private company to have stolen governmental contracts away from NASA. Elon Musk wants to us

Tesla Takes Their Time

After Tesla Motors broke the scale (and the compression machine) with their Model S, and then achieved expectations with the Model X, the Model 3 has some large shoes to fill. As important as the other two were, the Tesla Model 3 is far more to the company’s future success or failure. Relatively speaking, it is rather simple to make one car in low volume, that shames the more established com