Results for: Perspective

What is a Super Car

The Lamborghini Miura is often mistakenly charged of being a supercar. An argument can be made, that today, a 40 year old model is super-, but that would only be true assuming it exists in the contemporary alone. However, that is not the case, each Lamborghini Miura that exists now has been alive for over 40 years. This is a testament to the Modena manufacturing magic it was made with. Despite th

What Is a Supercar?

What makes art special, is the fact that it can instantly elicit an emotion. Creating a supercar is an art that makes everyone involved happy, however, like art they are not necessarily made to be practical. As mentioned when introducing the Lamborghini Miura, the super- prefix (as in supercar) intrinsically implies impracticality. But, people love supercars, because they are wildly impractical,

The Original not Supercar

For the first supercar Sunday, I will start with the first ever ‘supercar,’ the Lamborghini Miura. With that in mind, I respectfully reject the title of ‘supercar’ thrust upon the Miura. This is not because the car is not spectacular, but because the super- prefix has an unintended consequence of implying a debilitating weakness. The Lamborghini Miura is more Clark Kent than Superman. Before cont

The Problem With Our Infrastructure

Eventually, another Dwight D Eisenhower like federal push will be necessary to modernize our ailing automotive infrastructure. Otherwise, the horrendous service we have today will keep us in a perpetual state of just below outrage. The problem, this time around, will be aesthetics. In 1956, the Federal-Aid Act yielded essentially immediate ostensible results; you could see workers actually making

Governmentally Mandated Safety

Automotive safety and government usually go hand in hand, because if it were up to automakers, there would be no general standard. If it were not for governmental mandates, I guarantee that inherent automotive safety would not be where it is now. However, that is not to say that it would be entirely absent, the average would just be much lower. The problem with laissez-faire economics, is that it

Innovative Infrastructure

This is the first installment of futurology Friday, and it will start with a ride down memory road. Like the topic at hand, this too will serve as an integral base for future developments. Infrastructure is by far the most important aspect of any system, without a solid foundation on which to build on, growth is almost impossible. Thus to establish a glimpse in the future, one needs to establish

The Duality of Lamborghini: Ferruccio Before Ferrari

When one buys a Lamborghini, the car always falls under one of two different ideologies. To fully understand both, one needs to know the automaker’s history. The origin of the duality comes from the father of the company, Ferruccio Lamborghini. In regards to the aforementioned duality, the actual inception of the company, is largely irrelevant, but it is endearing enough for a mention. Born in 1

Automotive Inspirations Introduction

When necessity is no longer available, economic gains and/or competition are the most effective drivers of innovation. This has resulted in eras of competitively concentrated innovation in the automotive market. Specific dates are difficult to solidify, but there generalized lapses in which the invisible hand Adam Smith spoke of, pointed out particular problems which were promptly pummeled into pa

Toyotosoft: Satirical Dissection of a Deepity

I would like to start this article off with an apology, the title is clickbait at its finest… but you would be lying if you said that Toyotosoft is not one of the great portmanteaus (it is actually a second level portmanteau) of the language (or languages to be more precise). With that out of the way, there is some truth to the statement. Toyota and Microsoft, in their continuing collaborative e

The FTC's Silly Volkswagen Lawsuit

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has decided to hop on the ban-wagen (that word play is awful, but you get the point) and ride it down the money trail. They are just the latest entry into team sue Volkswagen. Joining quite a few people, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Justice (DOJ), the German Government, and any other soul that thinks that they can make some money off