2425 US-90
Crosby, Texas 77532
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Sellers Comments
Tungsten Metallic 2016 Chevrolet Suburban LS RWD 6-Speed Automatic Electronic with Overdrive EcoTec3 5.3L V8Recent Arrival! Odometer is 53078 miles below market average!Reviews:* Seats up to nine people; big cargo capacity; quiet highway ride; strong V8 power; high-quality interior. Source: Edmunds
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Sellers Comments
Tungsten Metallic 2016 Chevrolet Suburban LS RWD 6-Speed Automatic Electronic with Overdrive EcoTec3 5.3L V8Recent Arrival! Odometer is 53078 miles below market average!Reviews:* Seats up to nine people; big cargo capacity; quiet highway ride; strong V8 power; high-quality interior. Source: Edmunds