2112 Gulf Fwy S
League City, Texas 77573
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Black 2016 Ford Explorer FWD 6-Speed Automatic with Select-Shift 3.5L 6-Cylinder SMPI DOHC
Recent Arrival!
* 2016 KBB.com Best Buy Awards Finalist * 2016 KBB.com 5-Year Cost to Own Awards * 2016 KBB.com Brand Image Awards
Come by today and we guarantee you we will do our best to get you into the vehicle of your dreams! Mac Haik Toyota has the best selection of pre-owned and new vehicles in Houston! Come by and GET THAT GREAT MAC HAIK FEELING!!!
* High-tech features are plentiful and easy to use; cargo space is generous, even behind the third row; turbocharged V6 engine delivers plentiful power; quiet and comfortable on the highway. Source: Edmunds
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Sellers Comments
Black 2016 Ford Explorer FWD 6-Speed Automatic with Select-Shift 3.5L 6-Cylinder SMPI DOHC
Recent Arrival!
* 2016 KBB.com Best Buy Awards Finalist * 2016 KBB.com 5-Year Cost to Own Awards * 2016 KBB.com Brand Image Awards
Come by today and we guarantee you we will do our best to get you into the vehicle of your dreams! Mac Haik Toyota has the best selection of pre-owned and new vehicles in Houston! Come by and GET THAT GREAT MAC HAIK FEELING!!!
* High-tech features are plentiful and easy to use; cargo space is generous, even behind the third row; turbocharged V6 engine delivers plentiful power; quiet and comfortable on the highway. Source: Edmunds